“Hook Point & The West Gate — The Battles Begin For The East Ridge”: Segment 27 Of “The Do’s Series” Races To You!!!

The great battles of any day are seldom one or themselves without uncertainties and surprises. The New Days is no exception.

Of the final conflict, the battles begin in the Cavern of Doris. In the channel between Hook Point and the Spokes, two fleets prepare to meet. Pirates under their AdmiralCaptain lie in wait for the deepboats that carry their DownTowners.

On the flatpave below the West Gate, BrownRobes wipe the wet from their foreheads and squint through the misting rain at what they can’t see but they can hear. Great mystery is shrouded in night. The unsuspected moment first appears to those who meet and battle it there.

Sunrise breaks in the east. Day approaches. Two battles have been fought. Others await.

Segment 27 holds those two. It can be found on the front page. If not there, it and any other Segment wait for you under the tabs and listings for “The Do’s Series.”

Don’t this miss this one or any of the others. Enjoy your read and prepare for the next.

Grandpa Jim