“Second List Of Names”: To Post This Saturday — August 20, 2016

This Saturday, August 20, 2016, the compiled “Second List of Names” for Segments 11-20 will post for you reading and review enjoyment.

The emerging netnovel webwork has acquired quite a cast of characters. Now, in the midst of Pause 2, there is time to review the new players you have met in the last ten (10) chapters and to relate those actors to the individuals whose actions and work contributed to the first ten (10) segments.

Word from the field is that there may be ten (10) remaining chapters. Until the excavations are completed and the data fully sorted and related, there is no certainty as to length or content, but the compilers are optimistic.

You will learn more Saturday, and I look forward to you being one of the first to view the latest data and developments from the teams working on this, “The Do’s Series.”

See you here soon,

Grandpa Jim