Mary Home, Joe Arriving, Pockets Plus, Writers Reading & H2O

I hope you are having a great ending to a great week.

Today is Saturday. It is bright and hot. In the road-side planters, the flowers look gorgeous and thirsty. Irrigation is amazing.

“Mary and the Mud Pie Wedding Reception” is back on the Home page. She felt lonely hidden away in a drop down and dropped a hint. So, she’s back up front.

Uncle Joe arrives with a new story on Friday, the 29th. Start preparing. You never know what to expect from Uncle Joe. My hope is that you will be surprised.

At the Dallas Trade Mart, relatives are in town promoting the Pocket Plus, their new and orginal portable pocket. Take at look at  In a couple hours, Mary and I will trek down to help out and experience the Mart, which is a huge and intriguing conglomeration of marketers and marketing.

This morning, I attended a local writer’s workshop, an interesting mix of published authors and aspiring writers. Each brought a short selection (no more than 8 pages) which was read aloud by the author and a second time by another attendee. With the author present but not talking, the group then discussed and critiqued the piece. Finally, the author commented on what had been said. It is a good format which worked well, especially when it was clear everyone was there to help the writer and improve the work. Next time, I will bring an Uncle Joe or Mary story for the group to experience — this was my first visit so I wanted to learn the ropes before jumping into the pool.

Water is wonderful. Splash, sip and soak. Beat the heat with H2O.

Grandpa Jim