Lorraine and Mom: A Story Told

Mom died early, 12:49 am, on September 4, 2013. She was 94.

The family is gathering for the funeral. I’ve been working on a eulogy.

Dad died two months ago on July 5, 2013. Their 67th anniversary was September 5th. I think Dad wanted her up there for the party, so she left early. My Uncle Tom says this often happens with older couples who have been together so long.

When my son was young and visiting, Grandma would tell him Jungle Jim stories that would continue night to night. He loved the stories and never forgot. I remember her and Dad telling me Jungle Jim stories. I never forgot.

Mom asked me for a jungle story, and I wrote and read to her in bed “Little Lorraine.” Coming full circle, I told her a Jungle Lorraine story. I think she liked that and understood better than me what was happening. Moms are like that.

In memory of my Mom Lorraine, you can find the story on the web site under Flash Fiction.

There is a certain comfort in words read, said and remembered.

Thank you, Mom,

Son Jim