Ice Today, Sisters Friday

It’s official. Summer is here. The inside A/C unit froze solid as a rock yesterday. We hit 100 and it turned to ice. Actually, it’s kind of fun. I opened up the house this morning, nice breezes, and now I am outside typing on the laptop on the balcony watching the joggers on the trail and listening to the birds and the dogs. Haven’t seen any bees.

Summer is travel time with family and friends. I changed the website title to acknowledge and to encourage you to read and tell stories and tales in your cars, on the plane, and at the hotel, resort or vacation destination. If you see Grandpa or Grandma, ask for one of theirs — those are special.

More stories are on the way. The first story with Mary and the seven sisters will be posted this Friday morning at 9 am my time — keep your fingers crossed and knock on wood. I have to do the rewrites next and get them by the reviewers. The second Uncle Joe story just came back from the copy editor and I have more work to do, but I am very excited. It has a completely new “character.” No hints. You will have to wait and see.  This second Uncle Joe story will be published right here at 9 am on June 29th (it’s supposed to be the 1st, but I am going on vacation the next morning).

Of course, you can always read and re-read “Uncle Joe and the Haunted House.”  It gets better the second and third times. I think I’ve read, told or heard that story a hundred times, and I see something new each time.

Sorry, I moved “Uncle Joe and the Haunted House” back under Uncle Joe Stories so the front page could blog the excitement about the Mary story on Friday! I can’t help tinkering, so Uncle Joe will probably move back and forth. Uncle Joe does not stay in one place very long. He is a busy farmer.

Good times and safe travels,

Grandpa Jim

Email me any time at