Birthdays Past and Sisters Soon — Stay Tuned!!!!!!!

An exciting Monday to you all.

On Saturday, Ms. Christine’s 82nd Birthday Bash went off wonderfully.  The food and company were outstanding, as they always are at family gatherings.  Uncle Joe and brothers Charles and John fried the fish, hush puppies, french fries and jalapeno poppers.  Everyone brought something.  The sides (that I remember and I am sure there were more) were potato salad, coleslaw, cooked carrots, spinach and artichoke casserole, fresh-make bread and three different types of home-made pickles (all canned in the last month).  For dessert, the guest of honor had her choice of cakes and cherry foo-foo salad (one of my favorites).  I could not move and had to sit around and chat and drink sweet tea for at least two hours to recover, as did all the party.

A special treat was a pop-in visit from Ms. Christine’s 76-year old nephew, Frankie.  He regaled the birthday girl and everyone else with tales.  I particularly liked the one of a young 6-year old Christine rocking her active nephew back and forth in an old red wagon to entice him to sleep.  I don’t think Frankie has slowed down since, and I think he has fond memories of that wagon.

Another special treat is on your way.  The first “Mary” story will be published this Friday, June 15th.  “Uncle Joe and the Haunted House” will stay on the front page until his sister and her sisters make their debut.  Put it on your calendar.  It’s not often you get to meet seven sisters at one time.

Dont’ race, keep the pace, the week has started,

Grandpa Jim